
一个冷却塔extracts heat out of process cooling water and pushes it into another medium, usually air, so that the process cooling water is cooled and ready to be recirculated.


在塑料加工中,冷却过程从冷却塔的底部和各种设备中的一个或多个冷却电路(即加工机,模具,,,干燥剂干燥机,,,,水冷冷却器, ETC。)。该工艺吸收水并将热量远离设备,从而使工作温度保持在最佳加工所需的范围内。







Because evaporative cooling towers like these spray the cooling water into open air, they are called “Open Loop” systems. And, while there’s no doubt that evaporative and counterflow cooling towers like these do an excellent job, they do have several significant operating costs. First, evaporation costs water, since the process water lost to evaporation must be continually replenished, and this can be undesirable in areas where water is in limited supply or where utility costs (water and sewer) are high. Second, counterflow fans consume electricity—another utility for which processors may pay relatively high prices. And third, chemical treatment of process water is usually needed to prevent the buildup of mineral deposits in piping and process equipment that is exposed to cooling water.




The simplest of these is a basic fluid cooler. These coolers pump warm “returning” water through a大型热交换器——系统的管翅片板内举行resembles a large radiator. One or more fans draw air up and through the panels, absorbing heat. While fluid coolers provide some cooling capacity, they cannot generate “leaving” water temperatures as low as evaporative cooling towers can. So, their use may be limited unless supplemental cooling equipment, such as portable chillers, are used to lower process water temperature further.




当需要更大的冷却能力时,Adiabiatic Tower冷却器可以通过将少量水喷到鳍片散热器面板前面的特殊蒸发面板上来提供。当空气流过这些湿面板时,它会蒸发,大大降低了空气的温度,因此它可以带走更多的工艺热量。这样,绝热的冷却塔就可以使水温几乎低于蒸发冷却塔的水温,而蒸发量很少。控制积极监测过程水温,并自动调整风扇速度和水流到湿面板,以平衡水和能量用途与过程冷却要求。

Conair提供了一系列的绝热冷却塔EarthSmart ESTW Series,具有17至195吨冷却能力的能力。

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